Manual DMX page, for troubleshooting

Posted about 1 year ago by Wes Garland

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Wes Garland
Wes Garland

Sometimes reading the manual is just not good enough when figuring out profiles for fixtures. Heck, sometimes fixtures don't have manuals at all.

The "normal" way to figure this out is to grab a controller like the the Elation/ADJ DMX Operator and start moving faders while watching the fixture.  On Chamsys, we can do this by patching the fixture as a range of dimmers and using the on-screen faders to do the same thing.  (Chamsys is limited to channels 1-192 for dimmers, also, which is really dumb).

Anyhow, if we had a page where we could punch in the starting channel as well as the number of channels, and it built a UI with that many sliders, that would be super-cool. Tap on the slider to select a specific value (good for mode selection).

Maybe even turn it into a "wizard" that can help create new fixture profiles?  Like you double tap on a fader and say "this one is red", "this one is intensity", "this is one shutter speed", "this is one is a fixed value, please leave it alone", etc.  Then you hit the "create new fixture definition" button and has the stuff you've just figured out all plugged in and ready for you to edit/save.

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Gabby Odowichuk posted about 1 year ago Admin

I think you can do this with the "Controls" Page, if I understanding correctly?

For example, make a fixture with N channels all static values, add it to your stage, and then move those around.  

If I understand, what you are suggesting is to combine this with the fixture profile page?  That does sound useful, just clarifying to be sure.

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