Fixture parking, colour selection

Posted 10 months ago by Wes Garland

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Wes Garland
Wes Garland

These two features would be amazing, especially when combined:

1 - Fixture Parking: select a fixture+pod and park it at its current DMX values until unparked
2 - Colour/brightness selection. A circular colour picker that works continuously with ontouchmove and a slider for intensity would be an amazing user experience for choosing colours, per fixture+pod.

The two features would combine elegantly to allow users to override specific pixels, without burning a fixture group or forcing users to plug in values on the fixture definition.

Maybe this could be one screen, with the "Park" button on it.  You would park the fixture and the UI would show the parked values, but if you dragged your finger around it would change the values it was parked at.

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