Unable to select different specific values within same channel

Posted 10 months ago by Philip Gregory

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Philip Gregory

There are no options (even within Colour Wheel) that allow me to select different specific values within 1 channel.

For instance, 1 channel controls all colours for a light on a fixture. I would like to program where the red, green blue and white values begin so that Maestro knows what to select within that channels 255 values to select each colour.


Phil Gregory

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Technical Support posted about 2 months ago Admin

Hi There!

Color Wheel is properly implemented now, I'm marking this as implemented :)

- Gabby

0 Votes


Gabby Odowichuk posted 10 months ago Admin

Hi Phil!

This is definitely on our radar.  We will be releasing an update next month that includes an "FX palettes" feature, which is our first step towards addressing this.  Full color wheel integration will happen next year, and will be available in a free update for our platform.  



1 Votes


Hannes Brömer posted 10 months ago

I got the same problem, any News to this?

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