Fixture Wizard

Posted about 1 year ago by Wes Garland

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Wes Garland
Wes Garland

It occurs to me that for users -- those without lighting experience for sure -- it will be a lot easier for Maestro to tell them how to address their fixtures than it will be for them to decide how to do that.

Instead of asking users to enter fixtures and modes and addresses and all that stuff.... have an option where you just tell Maestro which fixtures you have, and how many.  Maestro would then generate a web page detailing each fixture, what mode it should be in, what address it should be on. It could print a DIP switch diagram for the users who can't translate decimal to binary in their heads.  If the fixture library was ultra-complete (crowd source this? I'd enter mine!) it could even tell you what the LEDs should say or the DIP switches should read to get the fixture into the recommended mode.

Finally, this web page should have some media:print CSS so it will layout nicely on a printer, and a button that calls window.print() so that it's easy to print from mobile.

At that point, my workflow would be to fire up Maestro in the office, decide what fixtures I'm using that night, go to the warehouse, pull fixtures out and address them as they go into the van.  Tape labels for #1, #2, #3 etc of identical fixtures.  Then I get to the show, hang them, tell Maestro which # is in which fixture group and go.

1 Votes


Markus Moisio

Markus Moisio posted about 1 year ago

Nice request, but works only if those fixtures are in DB, which user would like to use.

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