Feature requests

Posted about 1 year ago by Darren Hunt

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Darren Hunt


I have been using MaestroDMX for just over 1 week and have been getting some really good results. 

Having now used this both at home and at live shows, I have a few feature requests that I feel would be worth implementing (or at least careful consideration) for future software updates.

1) Please can we have a number system added to cues?
(I use midi to trigger different cues that are embedded into my backing tracks.  Having a visual cue number where many cues have been created is essential). Or even the ability to re assign cue number via drop down box.
2) When duplicating a cue, please add these to the BOTTOM of the existing cues, otherwise it messes up the order of the midi messages sending to the wrong cue.
3) Please add a 'Lock Cues' feature to the cue library so that the cue order is not accidently changed.  I would also eventually like to get someone to take control over real time effects during a show via an Ipad/tablet for Blinder, FX, Strobe, Blackout etc without worrying that they will accidently mess up the cues ordering system.
4)  There is a noticeable time delay between sending the midi message and the cues being selected.  Is there a way for this to be more responsive via a software update or is this limited to physical components?  Gabby explained that tis was to create a smooth transition from one cue to another.  Maybe, this could be set per cue via a slider (or value in seconds) from instant change to smooth changes?
5) Please could we have the option to to design our own colour pallets?
6) Will there be even more patterns and moods to choose from in future updates?

Many thanks

2 Votes


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Technical Support posted about 2 months ago Admin

Hi Bob!

More fixture groups is coming next year (not exactly sure when yet, we will plan our roadmap in January.). This is a commonly requested feature :)

- Gabby

1 Votes


Bob Ivey posted about 2 months ago

Would love to have another fixture group added. I really appreciate that you added a fourth group on the last update, but when using 2D pixel lighting, it was suggested to spread those functions across 3 fixture groups. And my tertiary group is 1D currently and my fourth group is still for my white lighting for the members on stage. I believe another group or two would give more options as well. Thank you for all you do!

0 Votes


Kurt Jeske posted 11 months ago

Needs an audio input “MUTE” Function and tied to MIDI.

0 Votes


Darren Hunt posted about 1 year ago

Hi Gabby,

In response to your answer to request 3)

"We've considered adding another page for live control that would just have larger buttons, potentially user-configurable, so that the show wouldn't be on that page.  Would this suit your needs?"

That would be great! I am just worried about the possibility of accidentally messing up the order of cues. 

0 Votes


Gabby Odowichuk posted about 1 year ago Admin

Hi Darren,

Thanks for your message.  We are addressing points 1,2 and 4 right away and they will be either in this update or the next.

3) We've considered adding another page for live control that would just have larger buttons, potentially user-configurable, so that the show wouldn't be on that page.  Would this suit your needs?

5 & 6 are also on our roadmap for a future release!  Expect these in 2024.



1 Votes


Grant Harris posted about 1 year ago

1, 2, and 4 are already implemented and will be in the next software release. You'll be able to set the transition to 0s instead of the current 2s if you want

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