Controls get stuck on

Posted 10 months ago by ANDREW JACKSON

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The control buttons (Blackout, Blinder, Strobe, Fog, and Effect) can get stuck on (latched) if you left click an interface button, hold the mouse button down, drag off the interface button and then release the mouse button.  This is not good and even panic inducing when your smoke machine gets stuck on!  

I am using Google Chrome on a Windows 11 laptop.  Google Chrome version 119.

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Wes Garland

Wes Garland posted 10 months ago

@markus moisio this complaint sounds like widget hasn't captured touchcancel events, only touchend.

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Thomas Ezolt posted 10 months ago

This can happen on a touchscreen as well when switching from one control directly to another. Example: holding Whiteout going directly to Blackout. 

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Markus Moisio

Markus Moisio posted 10 months ago

I couldn't replicate that behavior.
Chrome version 119.0.6045.200 (64-bit).

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Dan Fulton posted 10 months ago

Had the same issue with a Ipad running chrome this weekend

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