Area size and possibility to rotate fixtures...

Posted 9 months ago by Markus Moisio

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Markus Moisio
Markus Moisio

I have this kind situation (look attachement photo).

We installed this summer custom truss (my design) to the ceiling, and fixtures are attached to it, and way they are attached is causing problem with maestro.

They are installed back-to-back, in which case they are also mirrored with the opposite devices.
If thete already is answer to this, I haven't found it yet (and to double fixtures isn't good solution).

And that area size, it would be easyer to set up, how far those movers show go, using primitive room size setup tool, than now individually finding cottect offset and min/max values.

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Technical Support posted 9 months ago Admin

Hi Markus,  

Pan and Tilt invert exists at the fixture level:  you can modify them in the controls page, and then duplicate the fixture if you want them to have the same settings.  They will be read as two different nodes though: so their movements will sometimes chase with this configuration.  If you want two identical fixtures but back to back, I would recommend putting both fixtures on the same dmx address and use the invert option on the fixture itself.

Could you clarify your question? Not totally sure if I'm answering your question.

Chat soon, Gabby

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Markus Moisio

Markus Moisio posted 9 months ago

It's possible to do in my case two fixtures of group of four?

Or just have to add two plus two fixtures?

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Technical Support posted 9 months ago Admin

Hi Markus!

I suggest using the "invert" options for your Pan and Tilt!  I think this might be able to help you out.  We are looking eventually to improve the min/max configuration experience for moving heads aswell.

Thanks for your feedback!  Let me know if this helps :)


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Markus Moisio

Markus Moisio posted 9 months ago

Hhhmmmm... No photo.

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