In Transition Slider and Out Transition Slider

Posted 9 months ago by Vlad Nicolae Geana

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Vlad Nicolae Geana

The transition slider looks to be for both in and out transitions. There needs to be an IN Transition slider and an OUT Transition slider to manipulate the IN and OUT transition independently of each other. I mean, think of the possibilities with this! It would really open up so many possibilities in terms of creativity in designing a great show with the Maestro. :)

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Vlad Nicolae Geana posted 9 months ago

Just want to make this addendum to this feature request in order to make clear what I think should be implemented to make the Maestro great. This is more of a basic functionality request than a feature request in my opinion, as I find these these options to be central to the way cues should behave.

In essence, please add:

1) Individual transition sliders for IN-Transitions and OUT-Transitions.

2) A "NONE" transition option for each of the IN-Transition and OUT-Transition sliders.

3) Transition sliders and NONE transition options should be configurable per fixture group. 

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.

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