Configuring the Swarm 5Fx from Chauvet

Posted 9 months ago by Andrew Parlogean

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Andrew Parlogean

Has anyone been successful configuring the Swarm 5fx? If so would you please share, thank you!

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Technical Support posted 7 months ago Admin


Sorry, There are a bunch of similarly named fixtures, the one I included was for the "Chauvet Swarm Wash FX ILS".

My mistake.

This fixture unfortunately seems to mostly be tailored towards auto programs and sound active mode, there isn't too much that Maestro can control well at this point.  I've done my best to make a profile that could have interesting results, please let me know how it goes!

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Technical Support posted 7 months ago Admin

Go to "Fixture Profiles" -> "Add" -> "Restore from backup". 

Not a dumb question, we should make this more clear, I'll make a note to make better documentation about this.

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BRIAN GROSS posted 7 months ago

I think you may have based this profile off of a different fixture. The Chauvet DJ Swarm 5 FX is a 9-channel fixture. This imports as either 2 or 18 channels. 

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Rob posted 7 months ago

Dumb question - how to you get from the JSON to the device?  Is there a loader?  Can't find anything on the boards.

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Technical Support posted 8 months ago Admin

Here is one to try.  One thing about this one currently is, with all the color wheels, v1.1 puts them to the same color.

This is changing in 1.2, we're treatings color wheels like pixels.  So this profile will see significant improvements with the next version of the software.

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BRIAN GROSS posted 8 months ago

Did you ever figure anything out. I'm going to be tackling this myself in the next week or so... Would love to hear if you have any tips, but will also gladly share anything I learn in the process.

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