Brightness control for a fixture at the stage level.

Posted 9 months ago by Jerry Corcoran

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Jerry Corcoran

Sometimes you want multiple fixtures to be in the same color/pattern group.  However, output from the different fixtures is WAY different (the group contains 40W LED's, 18W LED's and 2W LED's).  Would be great to "normalize" the output of the different fixtures in the group (brightness and the Stage/Fixture level), then have that entire group controlled at the Show level


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Technical Support posted 9 months ago Admin

Ahhh yeah that would be very annoying that's a lot of channels:  something we've been talking about is having an option to apply settings to all similar channels on the control page, that would speed it up.

There is brightness control at the fixture group level already, though it sounds like that isn't quite what you need either.  Thanks for this!   

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Jerry Corcoran posted 9 months ago

Happy New Year, Gabby!  Yeah - but this was to help a friend, and the specific fixture had 108 channels (18 x 6 (RGBWAU beads)).  PITA to do it individually...Not high priority for me - maybe release 1.5 or something.  But sometimes stuff like this is easy, and it would be useful to normalize intensity per fixture group....

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Technical Support posted 9 months ago Admin

Hi Jerry!

For now, you can normalize by scaling your color channels for that fixture (RGB etc...). You can access these scaling ranges in the controls page.

Happy New Year,


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