midi control over global brightness

Posted 8 months ago by brian kelly

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brian kelly

hoping to have more midi controls added.  It would be great to tie global brightness to midi knob.

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Technical Support posted about 2 months ago Admin

As of 1.3.1, our midi spec includes CC values for global brightness as well as fixture group brightnesses. Marking this as implemented :)

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Technical Support posted 7 months ago Admin

by the way please update to 1.2: this should help with the blackout issue

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Rachel Williams posted 7 months ago

Yes, this would be helpful. Besides the creative power this would afford - it would be especially helpful as a work around for certain lights that don't obey Maestro's "blackout" command. With this feature and more layers, we could even isolate problematic fixtures like this and dim them all the way down.

1 Votes


brian kelly posted 8 months ago

while we are on the subject.  I suggest midi control for brightness of each fixture group.  Having control of each fixtures group's master dimmer via midi knobs would be fantastic

3 Votes

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