Moving head profiles

Posted 7 months ago by Mark Damon

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Mark Damon

Hi playing around with this and hoping someone can help. Creating moving head profiles. On the channel lists on the shutter, having issues setting up this. Want to set open, close and then min and max strobe. I've seen another post regarding this but surely a way of allowing this to control strobe?

Secondly on the gobo rotations, I've set the value to what I thought was the max it can go to and all it does it rotate the gobos at that speed constantly. Does this not vary?

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Technical Support posted 7 months ago Admin

Hi there,

Improved Strobe support is coming, for now strobes are doing by flashing the dimmer and RGB channels and pressing the strobe button.  Automated control of strobes will improve down the road, and we have an update coming soon that allows you to change the rate of strobe for the current implementation (some lights don't strobe and just stay on white with the current version, this would slow that down).

For gobo rotations, better implementation for this is in our roadmap for later this year.  For now, if you create a "gobo" with varying steps, maestro will move between those steps with the music transitions.

Thanks for your feedback and please stay tuned.


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