Gobo/prism priority

Posted 5 months ago by Mihai Constantinescu

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Mihai Constantinescu

For gobos and prisms, I've seen it changes them too often. I would think it would be a good thing to add a priority percentage, for example I would like them to use the open gobo (no gobo) more often than with them. Also the prism, sometime you want it to be used, sometime less, so adding a percentage value next to them would be really handy.

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Mihai Constantinescu posted 5 months ago

For example, in prisms there is one named "frost" which transforms the moving head into a wash. That could change the whole fixture way of moving, or even a separate category, if set. I wait for your implementations of our feedback. Thanks for your hard work, the device has huge potential 

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Technical Support posted 5 months ago Admin

Thanks Mihai!

We've talked about weighting them, and we've also talked about potentially assigning them to either a type of musical state or activity level.

Some of this will be more configurable once 1.4 is out, so stay tuned!  

Thanks for your feedback


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