Auto level detection

Posted 4 months ago by Jason Roland

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Jason Roland

It would be great if the AI could understand a 4 X 4 beat pattern and adjust it's sensitivity level on it's own. Often it's not possible to go in and adjust the sensitivity level when a DJ changes song types, I feel like the AI system should be able to automatically find the proper level using a simple 4 X 4 count as a guide.

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Jason Roland posted 4 months ago

So, there is a setting to adjust sensitive and snare drum detection. But as most all music consists of a 4 beat, the AI should be able to easily pick out the beat structure counting by fours. In this way, you wouldn't really need to help it along and adjust how sensitive it is. If you look at most pro level CDJ's, they already have a auto sync function in them that finds the BPM of a song. So this could be the same method.

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Technical Support posted 4 months ago Admin

Please elaborate, not sure if I understand!   Cheers :)

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