Chase patterns with more static pattern similar to Flash bang

Posted 4 days ago by DJSE Stockholm AB .

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DJSE Stockholm AB .

I love Flash bang because it follows a more static pattern. In my opinion the other programs have too much variation. The other programs look good in build ups and drop downs, but give a hysterical impression in verse and chorus because the patterns changes to frequently.

I wish to complete the Flash bang algorithm so that it can also do chase sequences. It is important that it does not change chase patterns, it should stick to a monotonous pattern.

Intro/outro, verse and chorus should follow 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 of a be

Build ups and break down may follow transients exactly as it already does. But in the verse and chorus, the pattern needs to be static and not change.

See example

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