Pause Button

Posted 4 months ago by Basilio Fiore

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Basilio Fiore

A button which can be activated when the band makes a break. you should be able to setup a color pattern and maybe some Moving head postitions so the stage looks good also when the band ist not playing at the moment

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Technical Support posted 4 months ago Admin

Hi there!

There is a pause button on the show page.

You can also create a cue to use when the band is not playing if you want a static look.

More control over custom positions for moving heads is coming in v1.4 of the software.

Please let me know if I misunderstood your request at all :)

- Gabby

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Basilio Fiore posted 4 months ago

Hi, I thought about the idea to setup a cue for in between and activate by midi button but this doesn't fit to my concept for a band that's playing live 4 hours.

My idea is to create for example 6 Cues for the first part of the concert. All are set to 10 minutes. the last one is unlimited. so when we're finished I will manually go to Pause cue which sets a dimmed light.

For the moment between one song to another it would be great to have Toggle button like the strobe or blinder where I can set up how the light is. It's close to a cue but the difference is Theo we as a band will not have time to think about lights. That's why I setup all before and let it run automatically. so the only thing I do is to go to pause cue when we have a break and after that I  wills tart the next cue playlist. 

If I Would assign a specific cue for in between songs how would I get back the the cue which was running automatically before....

For me a Toggle Button totally makes sense for bands. 

YOUR PRODUCT IS AWESOME and im sure that this will change a lot for bands. Hope you're developing more and more cool features!

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Technical Support posted about 2 months ago Admin

Hi there!

Now that 1.4 is out, I think that you'll be able to create a snapshot that has a static look, with your movers pointing to a specific spot.

In your FX palette, you can set your snapshots to an existing cue, and even have conditions so it picks this snapshot automatically on silence.

So, i think this should suit your needs for this request and I'm marking it as implemented.  Please let me know if we missed anything :)

- gabby

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