what should happen between songs

Posted 4 months ago by Basilio Fiore

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Basilio Fiore

It would be great if you could setup some settings for what should happen between songs. maybe a static white color or maybe more dark or whatever.

would be great for bands

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Technical Support posted 4 months ago Admin

Yes there are MIDI notes for specific cues!  That is possible :)

Here is the spec:


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Basilio Fiore posted 4 months ago

Would I be able to setup one button to go directly to a specific cue? I know that I can go to next cue with a button but not to a specific one. A automatic mode would be awesome. It should be a page with settings for the in between songs. Like the moving heads are also moving to their positions the lights should also go to a specific color. Maybe also with a "Pause" Button via Midi?

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Technical Support posted 4 months ago Admin

We are working on a machine learning algorithm that will determine when there is music vs non-music which may help with this!  

Another option would be to use a midi controller, and trigger a different cue that is setup as your 'in between songs" cue.

Thanks for your input!  We really appreciate it.

- Gabby

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