A group within a group - hear me out... Movers

Posted 3 months ago by Brandon Limkemann

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Brandon Limkemann

It seems like an easy task for movers to be grouped in their own to mirror each other so for example lets say we have 6 movers that are all on group 2 but we want them to mirror in pairs so at the end of each unit have a dropdown for sub group. This can default to 0 and DMX will work as it currently does, but if you were to put 2 of these 6 in group 1 they would mirror each other in their movement and color. ie; 3 groups of 2 - 2 groups of three, 2 outer groups of 2 and 2 center free to roam etc. Or ALL 6 in the same group so they're all identical. Mirroring. Could be cool. 

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Technical Support posted 3 months ago Admin

HI there!

If you have your fixtures correctly positioned in the layout, they should mirror most of the time!  Have a look at let me know :)


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