more categorys for Activity Range

Posted about 1 month ago by Fil Alberga

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Fil Alberga

is it possible to maybe implement more Categorys for the Activity Range 

maybe based on breakdowns, vocal only, atmospheric parts, and so on...
or an feature to let the program indicate different parts of an track based on serton categories ?

eq based Activity range would be also interesting

my reason for this question is, because i want my blenders to blend only in breakdowns static wise (without fading or anything) while everything else is on blackout
its a bit tricky to get there because i couldnt figure out how to let the program know when a breakdown comes in (even with an filtered kick in it) without using the blender button and get my hands off the players (while im djing)

is there something that im forgetting to use or i could do instead ?
maybe you git an answer 

thanks FIL

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