Not to restart on each cue change

Posted 8 days ago by ARS MAGNA PRODUCCIONES SL B98356306

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I still can't find a way to simply fade in the new changes of the next cue, without having to stop and restart the configuration of the fixtures that doesn't change. In many shows it is essential not to break the continuity between scenes as to make a coherent and homogeneous performance.

I can suggest three possibilities to achieve complete continuity of the show without interruptions due to cue changes:

- include the option to choose fade in, fade out or both in the transition: in theory, selecting only fade in would allow a direct fade only to the new changes (color, dimmer, dynamics, etc.), without modifying the fixtures that do not change.
- include the option to choose fade in, fade out or both in each group (primary, secondary, ternary and quaternary. I take this opportunity to suggest that it would be very good to have up to 8-10 groups): this would have an inconvenience because it could invalidate the new, great and essential FX Palette improvement of each group.
- include the option to choose fade in, fade out or both in each fixture in the Stage and Control sections.

Thanks in any case for giving us the solution.

Best regards

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Technical Support posted 6 days ago Admin


Would cross-fade between cues help?  That's something we've been discussing.

Changing the transition parameters to be at the group level is interesting also!

Fade-in and fade-out separate is also doable.

  Thanks for this feedback.  We're going yearly planning next week and will keep this in mind.

- Gabby

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