Location of "Add Fixture" could be more intuitive

Posted about 1 year ago by Wes Garland

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Wes Garland
Wes Garland

When you're in the Patcher screen, you see a dropdown for your stage, and beside it, the button "Add"
Then you see a list of fixtures

One way to intuit this screen is that the "Add" button adds fixtures to the stage. This is especially a problem on mobile, because the "Stage:" label is only present on desktop browsers.

I expect most users will be adding fixtures more frequently than stages, so the "Add" focus on this page is "Add Fixture", not "Add Stage".  But "Add Fixture" is buried behind the kebab menu on the PATCHER/LAYOUT/CONTROL title bar.

Proposal: move the "2 Fixtures: 64 Channels" display that is below the fixture list above the fixture list. Then add a "+" icon right before it that pops up the "Add Fixture to Stage" dialog.

Also, that "Add Fixture" dialog should have the stage name on it IMO

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