Dip in light when enabling and disabling fixtures

Posted 9 months ago by Vlad Nicolae Geana

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Vlad Nicolae Geana

There is a dip in all of the lights when enabling and disabling fixtures. Solo button does not have this problem. Soloing multiple fixtures should be allowed. 

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Technical Support posted 9 months ago Admin

Appreciate your enthusiasm Vlad :)

We've noted transition cross-fade as a feature request.  Because of the nature of the code, it's a bit difficult to implement but we agree it is important.  Your pleas are not falling on deaf ears <3

Best, Gabby

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Vlad Nicolae Geana posted 9 months ago

Hi Gabby, I appreciate your response.

Now I understand the reasoning behind the restart of the patterns when enabling and disabling features. I figured that something like that had to go on. Essentially what I was trying to do is to Solo multiple fixtures at the same time. But since the Solo button is Exclusive Solo, the only way to get multiple fixtures to be soloed at the same time was to disable them. This is however not a big deal. The solo button is not really a concern of mine, but what is a concern, and a real one at that are the Cue changes. For me personally, Cue changes must be seamless. I am noticing that in Cue changes, the lights dip in intensity during the transition. I can understand that since the algorithms probably change, or need to be reset during a Cue change if the algorithm remains the same, they may cause a dip in the intensity of the lights, but in my opinion, if you guys can get the Cues to change seamlessly, it will really be something. Please, please, please, I beg of you even, get Cues to transition seamlessly! It's crucial! Thanks!

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Technical Support posted 9 months ago Admin

Hi Vlad! :)

Enabling and disabling fixtures causes the mapping of the generative algorithms to change, so we do need to restart the patterns when the stage changes, this is unavoidable.  If we were to not do this, then the disabled fixtures would be included in chases and other effects.  

Maybe there is another way to accomplish what you are looking for without disabling fixtures at the stage level?

Cheers, Gabby

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