Audio Pre/Post Gain

Posted 7 months ago by Rob

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Un Solved

I have an external source plugged into MaestroDMX - for testing purposes, I am just using my iPhone 14.  I see pre and post-gain level signals (the meters are actually moving) even though no audio is playing.  In fact, I see this even if I unplug the audio cable from the MaestroDMX.  Is this a setting? A defective unit?   Any help would be appreciated.  I have attached a screenshot of the Audio Screen.

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Technical Support posted 7 months ago Admin

The process for RMA's is through our support portal.  If you have made a ticket you have already started the process. I'll reach out to our team and make sure they respond promptly.


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Rob posted 7 months ago

as I just sent an email, they are definitely separated power supplies. How do I go about creating an RMA? And is there anyway I could do a cross ship secured by a credit card. As I mentioned, we have a show in two weeks.

Thank you


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Technical Support posted 7 months ago Admin

Hi Rob!

Be sure you are powering your Maestro from an external power source that is isolated from your audio source.  For example, if you are powering your maestro and your iphone from your computer, this could create a ground loop.

If you are sure that your devices are isolated, and you are still getting noise issues, please create a support ticket as it may be an RMA.  

Let us know how it goes!


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