Posted 7 months ago by Kurt Jeske

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Kurt Jeske

Anyone figure out how to get MaestroDMX to work with a APC MINI?

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Technical Support posted 7 months ago Admin Best Answer

Unfortunately, at this time MaestroDMX has a static MIDI spec, and the APC Mini does not allow configuration of it's MIDI buttons.  This device is not supported at this time, though we may choose to release a specific MIDI profile for this device at some point in the future.  

Apologies for the hassle,


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Technical Support posted 7 months ago Admin

Most devices allow you to modify the midi notes.  I'm not sure which devices are being used at this time, i.  We do plan to run a survey soon and get some data on this.  Maybe some other maestro users can chime in if they are reading this! :)

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Kurt Jeske posted 7 months ago

Was looking at the Novation Launchpad Mini. Looks like I can modify notes on the device. Any ideas if anyone is using it?

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Kurt Jeske posted 7 months ago

Thats what I thought. Do you know of any non keyboard midi devices that let you program the notes? Thanks for the great work you have been doing.

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Technical Support posted 7 months ago Admin Answer

Unfortunately, at this time MaestroDMX has a static MIDI spec, and the APC Mini does not allow configuration of it's MIDI buttons.  This device is not supported at this time, though we may choose to release a specific MIDI profile for this device at some point in the future.  

Apologies for the hassle,


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