alternate blackout of fixture groups

Posted about 2 months ago by Patrick Loepfe

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Patrick Loepfe

hi, how can i configure a blackout for one group of fixtures while I 'un-blackout' others.

eg. when I enable lasers I want to blackout the moving heads and vice versa.

any ideas?

many thanks,


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Technical Support posted about 2 months ago Admin Best Answer

Not dumb at all!  

You can create snapshots, and then in the fx palettes you can set the snapshot conditions to be "Effect" or maybe "Fog"... then those snapshots will get triggered when you press those buttons.

Hopefully that helps? Here is a video on how to create snapshots, it's specifically for setting positions of movers, but you can use it for anything you like really! For each attribute, there is a "static override" option. We're making another fx palette video, but hopefully this is enough to get your system to do what you'd like :)

- Gabby

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Technical Support posted about 2 months ago Admin Answer

Not dumb at all!  

You can create snapshots, and then in the fx palettes you can set the snapshot conditions to be "Effect" or maybe "Fog"... then those snapshots will get triggered when you press those buttons.

Hopefully that helps? Here is a video on how to create snapshots, it's specifically for setting positions of movers, but you can use it for anything you like really! For each attribute, there is a "static override" option. We're making another fx palette video, but hopefully this is enough to get your system to do what you'd like :)

- Gabby

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Patrick Loepfe posted about 2 months ago

Hi Gabby, many thanks.

it only answers my question partially.

I would like to press a button to enable the lasers and disable the other fixtures at the same time until I release the button. for the lasers I would setup a special cue and/or fx palette. maybe also automate based on the energy level of the music.

Given your advise I would blackout the non-laser fixtures. Ok, but, then how would I enable the lasers and start the cue?

Could I black out one fixture group by running a cue?

sorry if these questions are dumb - I am just doing my first show with Maestro DMX...

many thanks,


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Technical Support posted about 2 months ago Admin

Hi Patrick! 

In the advanced parameters (click the <> symbols), for each fixture group there is an "allow blackout trigger" option.  That's the key if you don't want a group to blackout.

Hope that helps!



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