Very Slow WebApp

Posted 7 months ago by Cuecontrolinc

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Un Solved

I'm having trouble with the webapp being extremely slow. I'm 3 ft away from the hardware and also my lights are saying NO DMX from the CRMX transmitter. They are paired together. Also the webapp apparently does not work on an iPad Pro with an M2 chip either.

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Technical Support posted 7 months ago Admin

Hi there!

Please make a support ticket, it seems as though something isn't right and we would like to help you get to the bottom of this.

One thing I would recommend is trying to connect to your Maestro via ethernet if possible, especially if you are in an environment with a lot of wifi networks.

There's no reason our webapp shouldn't work with an iPad Pro with an M2 chip, it's possible there is another issue going on here.

Hope we can help you get to the bottom of this! 



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