Need better hazer control

Posted over 1 year ago by Wes Garland

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Wes Garland
Wes Garland

It looks like the hazer control is just on/off with 1.0?

That's not enough.  I need to make sure that the haze is enough for the lights, but doesn't annoy patrons.

We need control over two DMX channels, side by side, one is haze amount and the other is fan speed.  Big amount with small fan, for example, gives a gloppy effect haze instead of providing generic atmosphere.

The controls on every cheap hazer remote would be easy to replicate with Maestro and phone control would be SO MUCH BETTER than the 15' wire that these things come with.

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Technical Support posted 8 months ago Admin

1.3 and 1.3.1 have added support for Fog intensity and fan speed.  Marking this as implemented :)

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Markus Moisio

Markus Moisio posted over 1 year ago

Here I am wondering if it would be difficult to make a tab for the hazer. There would be a generic room resizable by the user, that would give the maestro a rough idea of the amount of haze.

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Wes Garland

Wes Garland posted over 1 year ago

Thanks -- good tips -- It will get the job done.  FYI, haze amounts and overall brightness are two big things that change from venue to venue. Haze is really venue specific because it's not just stage area that affects it, but also stage volume and building HVAC.

With that UI, though, it's still awkward and fiddly -- big, friendly user interface elements make it easier to make these kind of changes on the fly, which is what's needed in a live performance situation where most of my attention is elsewhere.

This request popped up while I was self-debating how to run the hazer at my next show.  Usually, I wind up running a 5-pin-DIN remote control, but I think it would be better overall if Maestro had control of everything.  Imagine, for example, Maestro also had intensity-level triggers.  I could set the hazer up for minimal haze (just enough for atmosphere) at the start of the night, but tell Maestro to flood the stage with maximum haze when we hit > 95% intensity or whatever.  Now I have something that suits the venue but is still reactive as a special effect.

2 Votes


Gabby Odowichuk posted over 1 year ago Admin

Hi Wes!

To acheive this with our current systen, I would create a fixture with one attribute set to "FOG" and another set to "STATIC".  You can then assign the static value to a speed that works for you.

If you find yourself in situations where you need different speeds for different venues, you could make multiple fixture profiles with different presets.  You could also change the speed in real-time through the controls page.

Would this satisfy your use case?  

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