useless as standalone device

Posted 10 months ago by Joerg. lemp

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Joerg. lemp

Our idea was to give your device to our customers as a replacement for LJ's. Every weekend we do have ~100 setup's containing more or less PA and lights, for 100 to 5000 party people.
Our audio devices are always XDJ's , Opus Quad, CDJ's and DJM's., Referencing your setup guide and audio setup you're talking about blue, yellow, green and red. And everything is happening depending how loud or not my DJ's are playing. ... our audio devices are connected to your device after master gain and you're expecting a constant audio input level for you're blue, yellow, green and red.

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Technical Support posted 9 months ago Admin

Thanks for apologizing :)

We're planning to update the manual: the midi notes differ by an octave depending on the device and this is confusing sometimes.

More MIDI control is on our radar and has been mentioned before, and I'm keeping a tally of informal requests, but please make a separate feature request in the forum as well as it will be easier to track and others can upvote.




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Joerg. lemp posted 9 months ago

Hi guys and happy new year. the last days I had time to play with MaestroDMX. Apologize, device isn't useless. OK we must feed MaestroDMX from REC out, booth or second zone. But if Audio input is configured the proper way I love MaestroDMX more and more. And I know all the up and downs, playing with a LJ, time coded solutions like show control or stagehand, or all the others. And nothing solved my problem.
I want give my DJ's, a standalone Audio device, plus a universe of lights, plus to option for my DJ's to turn on blinders, strobe or fog.
My use case now, Opus Quad (main output, booth and second zone). I'm using second zone for MaestroDMX. Main for the stage and booth for my DJ's, in terms of audio.
Plus MaestroDMX controlling my lights universe. Perfect. 
And interacting with MaestroDMX (Blinders, Strobe, Fog etc.) I'm using Behringer XTouch mini, a small and cheap midi controller.
... btw. mistakes in your documentation, numbers are correct, notes not. And I hope you will extend midi interface much more, for example, I want to control global dimmer. And second I want to copy full and whole configuration from one to all my others.

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Joerg. lemp posted 9 months ago

Hi guys ,
happy new year.
after xmas and new years parties, I had some time to play with MaestroDMX.

And it's not useless, I had to learn, audio input must come from REC out, or booth or second zone. .... Any other output from your main stage....... but if audio input is under control ....
I know, a seperate LJ, show control , stagehand, and any other solutions. My use case is to give my DJs a standalone device like Opus Quad, plus a universe of lights, plus a small control, blinders, strobe, fog etc.
I love MaestroDMX more and more.

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Technical Support posted 9 months ago Admin

Re: Marketing material:  our user manual is available online, the connector type of audio level of our audio input is described specifically along with most details of our product.

As long as the loudest music of the night is not clipping (audio light turning red), maestro will be able to handle a range of audio input levels, using the software auto-gain algorithms that are present.

We are not joking, rather we are trying to answer your questions helpfully and honestly.  

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Technical Support posted 9 months ago Admin

Hi there!

Wanted to add that, we do have nice auto-gain algorithms (basically a compressor) built into the system.  So, yes ideally we like things to be in the green/yellow range but as long as you are not clipping the audio going in (red), you should be good to go even for many levels of blue.  We've been using versions of these devices at events and parties with DJs for years: the music gets louder as the night goes on of course.  Our auto-gain will adjust for this automatically throughout the night.

- Gabby

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Joerg. lemp posted 9 months ago

thanks for your reply, rec out is fine. later this week I'll talk with pioneer de, asking for list of Pioneer mixers / stand alone devices with rec out RCA connectors. Your second part must be a joke.

you you state those requirements in your marketing material !.

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Grant Harris posted 10 months ago

Maestro expects a consumer level line input or -10dbv. If you're going with a DJM or similar, connect Maestro to the REC Out RCA jacks on the back of the DJM (or similar). This will bypass the master gain staging and as long as the DJ isn't clipping the actual track audio it will not matter what volume the master out is set to. 

If the particular unit does not have a REC out then we suggest either running it off the booth output and instructing the user on proper gain control or running it into a separate mixer and using the REC out RCA jacks in that mixer.

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