Fixture Categories - Wash, Beam, Pixel, Spot

Posted 9 months ago by Jerry Corcoran

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Jerry Corcoran

It would be great to have fixture categories for a stage - Wash (generally least active, quasi-static for a song), Beam (complements wash color (wash is purple, beam is yellow (mostly), more active), Pixels (most active, runs through all colors in the pallet), Spot (hard edged wash, usually white, though sometimes other colors).  A single fixture may have different personalities, depending on the stage.

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Technical Support posted about 2 months ago Admin

Hi Jerry!

In version 1.3.1, you are able to rename fixture groups from the stage layout tab.  Does naming the fixture groups "Wash", "Beam", etc, suit the use case?  Thanks

- Gabby

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Danny Olefsky

Danny Olefsky posted 8 months ago

Love this.

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