Advanced MIDI control

Posted 6 months ago by Johan Van Hoorde

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Johan Van Hoorde

Using the webinterface is nice but having physical buttons/sliders/knobs is for a lot of people very useful, I guess.

Based on the manual MIDI control is now limited to the trigger buttons (Blackout, Blinder, Strobe, Fog, Effect) and Prev, Next, Play, 

Pause, Stop and Select Cue 1 - 98.

A lot of MIDI devices do have sliders/knobs or rotary encoders. Most of them are sending a value from 0 (min) to 128 (max) if I'm not mistaken. 

I would be, in my opinion, very usefull to add support for these items to control the Live Control features like Brightness, Intensity, Background and Motion.

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Technical Support posted about 2 months ago Admin

MIDI Spec has improvements in 1.3 and 1.3.1!

Spec details are here, marking this as implemented :)

0 Votes


Technical Support posted 6 months ago Admin

Hi there!

Thanks for this feedback, improved MIDI support is on our roadmap for late this year.

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