Priority setting in fixtures

Posted 3 months ago by Jason Harlow

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Jason Harlow

With certain fixtures such as blinders and strobes, maestro sees them as any other light so in most modes, they are on more of the time. Joe had show me a way to display only during an activity, however, it seems like once the threshold is met, it stays on for a white. Maybe a priority button tied with some sort of gate / activity would help that?

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Technical Support posted 3 months ago Admin

I currently stays on for min 2seconds once it's been activated.  Try making the active range really small and see if that helps! :). Let me know please :)

- Gabby

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Jason Harlow posted 3 months ago

Is there a possible bug in the activity range option? It just seems like after the threshold is met, it's just on aagin and I've even set the threshold to just one number like 50. 

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Jason Harlow posted 3 months ago

That may work. 

We used it today at rehearsal with the band and the only negstive comment was the blinders (our Freq 5 strobes) where on too much. 

I'll send some additional feature requests here shortly. 

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Technical Support posted 3 months ago Admin

Hi Jason!  Thanks for this feedback!  We thought about adding a "timeout" so that for example you could have it only stay on for 1 second once it's triggered, something like that.  Would that suit your needs?

Thanks for your input :) 

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