Chauvet Kinta FX ILS

Posted 4 months ago by Jeff Martin

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Jeff Martin

I have 2 Chauvet DJ Kinta FX ILS devices.  Looking for some assistance tweaking the settings to get the best performance of them.

I am using the built-in 9 channel fixture and have tweaked some of the values for better look.

On the Motor control (channel 5), which moves the lights around. The MIDI values between 001 and 127 are indexes, so you can precisely control the positions and 128 - 255 are speed so it moves full range and you control how fast it goes. The only option that seems to fit and lets me target a specific midi range is the Pan type and range set to 001-127. That results in a jerky motion. The other option seems to be Activity and set the range to 128-255 so the speed increases with activity.  This works, but using Pan seems to have more interesting patterns, but the jerkiness is concerning.

The other is the strobe effects in the Kinta. They can only be triggered by the Pattern Options (channel 6) setting and it’s basically 18 different preset patterns. Not sure how to set them up. Would the Color Wheel type work for this? The built in profile just has that setting set to a static value. Would really like to tie it in to the Strobe command but have been unsuccessful so far.

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Technical Support posted 4 months ago Admin

Not sure what you mean by MIDI values in this context:  do you mean DMX?

For channel 5 you do have two options:

For the precise index option, using Pan is great. The jerkyness I think speaks to it going out of range. There is an advanced feature (expand the <> symbols) where you can set the range of the Pan. The width and offset will also affect the range of the pan motion.

You can also set the activity to the speed. Both of these are good options and it's up to you which you prefer.

For the patterns, if there is a specific color associated with the patterns, use color wheel.  Otherwise, use a gobo!

You'll find that 1.4 will help open up FX fixtures significantly, and we're also planning to improve our strobe support in future updates.

Hope this helps, thanks!  Feel free to reach out to support or attend office hours if you'd like more support improving your profile.

- Gabby

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